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ICT Monitoring
Fixed Voice Traffic - 4Q22Eastern Europe
This excel sheet provides compelling data on the volume of voice traffic originating and/or terminating on the fixed telephony network. The data also cover revenue evaluations as well as the split between residential and business markets.
Report Highlights
In 4Q22, the total fixed voice traffic among the monitored Eastern European countries continued to decline to around 3.3bn minutes – down by nearly 15.0% YoY. All countries registered a YoY decline due to the negative effect of fixed-to-mobile substitution and the popularity of OTT voice and messaging applications, in general. Nonetheless, some incumbents ...
Market Coverage
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Company Coverage
Vivacom, T-Hrvatski Telekom, O2, Telia Eesti, Magyar Telekom, Tet, Teo LT, Orange, Telekom Romania, Slovak Telekom, Telekom Slovenjie